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Sabtu, Maret 05, 2011

Mp3 script

alias mpn { if ($dialog(mpnew)) dialog -v mpnew | else dialog -md mpnew mpnew }
alias mp3data { return $+(“,$shortfn($scriptdirmp3data.ini),”) }
dialog mpnew {
title “Paul’s Mp3 Player”
size -1 -1 230 173
option dbu
box “Playlist”, 1, 6 1 194 83
list 2, 11 8 185 80, sort extsel
button “Close”, 3, 205 38 22 11, ok cancel
box “Controls”, 4, 2 95 108 39
button “Rewind”, 5, 3 104 34 11
button “Play”, 6, 38 104 34 11
button “Stop”, 7, 15 118 34 11
button “Pause”, 8, 72 104 34 11
button “Forward”, 9, 57 118 34 11
box “Browse”, 10, 3 146 226 24
button “Mp3 Dir”, 11, 6 154 34 11
button “Refresh”, 12, 193 154 34 11
edit “”, 13, 41 154 151 11, read
box “Volume”, 14, 110 87 60 24
button “+”, 15, 113 96 10 11
button “-”, 16, 125 96 10 11
button “Mute”, 17, 142 96 24 11
box “Tunes Found”, 18, 110 110 46 24
edit “”, 19, 113 119 40 11, read
box “Message”, 20, 156 110 71 26
check “Message in Channel”, 21, 162 117 64 10
check “Use Ascii Art”, 22, 162 125 64 10
edit “Is now playing: “, 23, 49 136 177 11
text “Message Format:”, 24, 3 137 44 8
on *:dialog:mpnew:init:0: { if (%mp.pause == 1) { did -r mpnew 8 | did -a mpnew 8 Resume } | if ($vol(master).mute == $true) { did -o mpnew 17 1 Unmute } | set %mp.format $did(23) | if (%mp.msg == On) { did -c mpnew 21 } | if (%mp.ascii == On) { did -c mpnew 22 } | did -o mpnew 13 1 %mp.dir | set %mp.found $findfile(%mp.dir, *.mp3,0,did -a mpnew 2 $nopath($1-)) | did -o mpnew 19 1 %mp.found }
on *:dialog:mpnew:dclick:4: { splay %mp.temp | set %mp.play 1 | set %mp.pause 0 | did -r mp 8 | did -a mp 8 Pause | mpmsg }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:2: { set %mp.file $did(2).seltext | set %mp.temp %mp.dir $+ %mp.file | set %mp.bitrate $mp3(%mp.temp).bitrate | set %mp.length $mplength | set %mp.size $round($calc($lof(%mp.temp) / 1048576),2) }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:5: { if (%mp.play == 0) { halt } | else { splay seek $calc($inmp3.pos -5000) } }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:6: { splay %mp.dir $+ %mp.file | set %mp.play 1 | set %mp.pause 0 | did -r mpnew 8 | did -a mpnew 8 Pause | set %mp.format $did(23) | mpmsg }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:7: { splay stop | set %mp.play 0 | set %mp.pause 0 | did -r mpnew 8 | did -a mpnew 8 Pause }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:8: { if (%mp.play == 0) { halt } | elseif (%mp.pause == 1) { splay resume | set %mp.pause 0 | did -r mpnew 8 | did -a mpnew 8 Pause } | elseif ((%mp.play == 1) && (%mp.pause == 0)) { splay pause | set %mp.pause 1 | did -r mpnew 8 | did -a mpnew 8 Resume } }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:9: { if (%mp.play == 0) { halt } | else { splay seek $calc($inmp3.pos +5000) } | halt }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:11: { did -r mpnew 2 | set %mp.dir $sdir=”Mp3 directory” c: | did -o mpnew 13 1 %mp.dir | set %mp.found $findfile(%mp.dir, *.mp3,0,did -a mpnew 2 $nopath($1-)) | did -o mpnew 19 1 %mp.found }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:12: { did -r mpnew 2 | set %mp.found $findfile(%mp.dir, *.mp3,0,did -a mpnew 2 $nopath($1-)) | did -o mpnew 19 1 %mp.found }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:15: { if (%mp.play == 0) { halt } | if ($vol(master).mute == $true) { halt } | else { set %mp.vol $calc($vol(master)+7000) | vol -v %mp.vol | set %mp.vol 0 } }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:16: { if (%mp.play == 0) { halt } | if ($vol(master).mute == $true) { halt } | else { if ($vol(master) < 7000) { vol -v 0 } | elseif ($vol(master) == 0) { halt } | else { set %mp.vol $calc($vol(master)-7000) | vol -v %mp.vol | set %mp.vol 0 } } }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:17: { if (%mp.play == 0) { halt } | if ($vol(master).mute == $false) { vol -vu1 | did -o mpnew 17 1 Unmute } | elseif ($vol(master).mute == $true) { vol -vu2 | did -o mpnew 17 1 Mute } }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:21: { if (%mp.msg == On) { set %mp.msg Off } | else { set %mp.msg On } }
on *:dialog:mpnew:sclick:22: { if (%mp.ascii == On) { set %mp.ascii Off } | else { set %mp.ascii On } }
alias -l mplength {
var %mp.len $int($calc($mp3(%mp.temp).length / 1000))
var %mp.min $int($calc(%mp.len / 60))
var %mp.sec $calc(%mp.len – (%mp.min * 60))
if (%mp.min < 10) { set %mp.min 0 $+ %mp.min }
if (%mp.sec < 10) { set %mp.sec 0 $+ %mp.sec }
set %mp.len %mp.min $+ : $+ %mp.sec
return %mp.len
alias -l mpmsg {
if (!%mp.format) {
splay stop
echo -a 04Error: Please write a format of how you want it to show in the channel
echo -a 07Example: is now play:
elseif (%mp.msg == On) && (%mp.ascii == Off) && (%mp.format != $null) {
set %mp.song1 $remove(%mp.file,.mp3)
set %mp.song $replace(%mp.format,,%mp.song1)
ame %mp.song
elseif (%mp.msg == On) && (%mp.ascii == On) && (%mp.format != $null) {
set %mp.song1 $remove(%mp.file,.mp3)
set %mp.song2 $replace(%mp.format,,%mp.song1)
set %mp.name $replacecs(%mp.song2,a,à,A,Å,b,ß,B,ß,c,ç,C,©,d,Ð,D,Ð,e,é,E,€,f,ƒ,F,ƒ,i,ì,I,Î,l,£,L,£,n,ñ,N,Ñ,o,ô,O,Ô,p,þ,P,þ,q,¶,Q,¶,r,®,R,®,s,§,S,§,u,µ,U,Ü,x,¤,X,×,y,ý,Y,¥,!,¡,?,¿,>,»,<,«,2,²,3,³,half,½,fourth,¼,/,¬,.,·,ae,æ,tm,™,TM,™)
ame %mp.name
menu channel,menubar {
MP3 Player (NEW):/mpn

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